Another Record Year

In 2016, thanks to the generosity of members of The Wisley Golf Club, The Wisley Foundation donated over £100,000 to local charities. Since its start in 2009 The Foundation has now given well over £600,000 to small and needy local causes.

What is the The Wisley Foundation?

In 2009 the incoming Captain, Andrew Jones, decided that rather than a piecemeal approach The Wisley members donations would be more beneficial if channelled via a thought through strategy with specific objectives. A small group developed the idea that the best use of this money would be to support small local charities which would clearly identify the club (and it’s members) as being supportive of the local community.

What does The Foundation do?

The Foundation donates funds to small local charities who are specifically engaged in working with disadvantaged people (in many different ways) in and around Surrey. Much of the funding goes to help children and young people with life threatening medical problems. Others may have mental or physical issues that prevent them from taking part in the normal world that most children experience.

How does The Foundation work?

The board of trustees evaluates on an annual basis a substantial number of applications for funding. The key measures are suitability (small, Surrey based), worthiness (what activities are they involved in) and professionalism (sound financial and management controls). The Foundation only contributes to specific projects which are accountable by regular progress reports. Over £600,000 in eight years is a remarkable sum of money – the trustees know where every pound was spent.

The Trustees

Dec 2016